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Feel free to send any questions or comments you have to the appropriate department listed below. If you’re not sure which department would best be able to answer your question, please use the default “General Information” option.

Or, of course, you’re certainly welcome to use those old-school analog methods….

100 Andover Park W Suite 150-165
Tukwila, WA 98188-2828

Voicemail: (425) 243-4692

The Norwescon 38 Executive Team

Chair – Katharine Bond
Vice-chair – SunnyJim Morgan
Business Director – Eric Weber
Treasurer – Tim Ketron
Member Services – Jeanine Swanson
Convention Services – Josh Keegan
Secretary – Katrina Marier
Programming – Loree Parker
Special Events – Alan Bond
Publications – Don Glover
Personnel – Shawna Batty

For other departments, please see the full organizational chart.

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